Efficient, Helpful Membership Support

We'll support and manage your members in a timely manner to ensure their every question is answered quickly and professionally. Whether your membership is in the single digits or tens of thousands, we easily scale our support as your membership grows, helping all of your members to stay active and informed in your collaborative alliance or association.
- Customize desirable response times for each inquiry
- Manage member enrollment using online member applications.
- Maintain and integrate all membership data with financial and collaboration tools
- Develop help desk Q&A to support a variety of inquiries and best practices
- Support workgroup participation
- Customize and automate membership renewals and collection processes
- Provide customized new member welcome kits
- Maintain bylaws, IPR policy and legal requirements
- Administer member IDs and passwords for secure access to member collaboration portal
- Create and maintain internal email lists for communications to all members and committees
- Manage member email campaign lists
- Report on membership status and activity
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